by TrustHome Properties | May 6, 2020 | Uncategorized
Renting out your property while in a pandemic We are all having to reinvent the way we do things right now. Property Management is no different. You don’t have to pause your dreams of having an investment property delivering an income just because there is a...
by TrustHome Properties | Jan 22, 2020 | General
Long-term tenants are every landlord’s dream. Turnovers are expensive and time-draining. It’s good to practice various methods to keep your tenants loyal. This will allow you to avoid turnovers as much as possible. This article contains recommendations on creating a...
by TrustHome Properties | Dec 23, 2019 | Owner Resources
Squatters are individuals who find an abandoned or vacant property and move in. They take residence without discussing the matters with the actual owner. There are many legal nuances. Sometimes squatting could be a civil case. In other circumstances, it could become a...