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Are you looking for advice on maintaining your rental properties during the COVID-19 outbreak?

The novel coronavirus pandemic raises many concerns for landlords. One of these is the handling of both emergency and routine maintenance tasks in rental properties.

Property upkeep is important, but so is the safety and well-being of your tenants. Responding to maintenance requests requires care and attention to ensure everyone’s safety.

Engage with the following resources to tackle maintenance responsibilities during the Coronavirus pandemic. Additionally, check with the CDC and other qualified resources for health information.

#1. Reserve Enough Supplies for Upkeep and Repairs

The demand for masks, disinfectant products, and gloves are on the rise. This means there is also a limited supply, however. Make sure you have stocked up on the necessities so you can protect yourself and others against the virus.

Be mindful of the quantities you order. While having an extra box of supplies is reasonable, make sure that there will be enough safety equipment for everyone else as well.

  • Do I need gloves? Definitely! Ensure that you always have enough gloves to go around. These are essential items for conducting repairs and maintenance in your rental properties while staying sanitary.
  • Do I need masks? Not necessarily. Now, the CDC does recommend people to wear a cloth face covering. This covering doesn’t protect the wearer, but it could help against spreading the virus from the wearer to other people. Any other types of face masks should only be used for first responders and healthcare workers.
  • Do I need hand sanitizer? When entering and leaving a tenant’s home, you should wash your hands with soap and warm water. Some maintenance requests, however, are about issues that result in a lack of running water. For these cases, it’s important to have hand sanitizer available to prevent the spread of COVID-19.

sanitizing home repairs

#2. Follow the Principles of Good Communication

Friendly, open communication paired with responsiveness leads to a successful relationship with your tenants. For starters, reach out to them and let them know that you continue to deliver essential maintenance during these uncertain times.

Communicate that you understand the importance of taking safety measures. Explain how you will protect their health and safety when conducting repairs and maintenance.

Share practical information with your tenants. Avoid spreading misinformation or articles that have been published on unofficial websites. The CDC provides the latest information and guidelines concerning the COVID-19.

No successful COVID-19 communication plan is complete without addressing the topic of emergencies. Issue a statement to your renters, letting them know that they can contact you in case of an emergency. These urgent issues may include fires, floods, and other critical events.

Let your tenants know that you will respond to their emails, messages, and phone calls at the earliest opportunity. They will be grateful for support and responsiveness during the pandemic.


#3. Take All the Necessary Safety Precautions

Maintenance procedures require complete adherence to current safety needs. As a landlord, you have an important role in easing the burden of this virus on our health care system.

Every step of your upkeep duties should be conducted mindfully in terms of public health and sanitation. Make sure that these requirements extend to anyone helping you with these responsibilities. This is the only way to maximize the safety of your tenants.

  • When you begin a new task or enter another rental unit, put on an unused pair of gloves.
  • Clean and disinfect your work areas. Sometimes these areas may have parts that are easily overlooked. Remain observant to combat the spread of this novel coronavirus.
  • This is the basic hygiene rule during the pandemic: wash your hands often using warm water and soap for a minimum of 20 seconds. This simple action is one of the most effective things you can do to stop the spread of COVID-19.

washing hands covid landlords

#3. Be Aware of Unique Considerations

Planning on conducting routine maintenance? Assess the situation and see if the benefits of entering your tenant’s home outweigh the associated risks.

Whenever you respond to an emergency situation or a renter’s request, practice the measures that help to contain the outbreak of COVID-19.

Here are some other things to consider during these times:

  • The number of people working from home is increasing. Be mindful of your tenant’s working environment and refrain from making too much noise while repairing or maintaining the property. Keep your time spent in the rental property to a minimum.
  • Always ask yourself whether the particular repair or job is essential. Learn to differentiate between essential fixes and tasks that can be finalized at a future date.
  • Many children stay at home nowadays. In the present climate, you need to be considerate about children who may be at the property. Power tools, cleaning agents, and other supplies or equipment need to be kept away from kids.

maintenance during pandemic

  • Your tenants need reassurance during these difficult times. Clearly communicate how you keep their health and safety in mind at all times. Demonstrate the safety rules that you follow to prevent the spread of the COVID-19.
  • Sometimes just talking your tenants through the required steps is all you need to do. Make it clear to your tenants how this approach is safer than physically showing up.


Assess the New Reality of Self-Managing

Self-managing is always a stressful and demanding job. Add the coronavirus pandemic to the mix, and you’ll face even more challenges on a daily basis. This might be the right time to hire a professional property management company.

Experienced property managers have the necessary skills, experience, and knowledge to keep your tenants safe and take the best care of your investment. Consider hiring a professional property management firm to preserve your investment’s value and deliver quality services to your renters.